A long partnership facilitating post-secondary student mobility

BC Transfer Guide website and Transfer Credit System (TCS) workflow application, are world-class, intertwined utilities serving the post-secondary community.

Client Name

British Columbia Council on Admissions & Transfer (BCCAT)

CMS & Application



  • Strategy, Planning
  • Information Systems Development
  • Website Development
  • On‐going development support, documentation & training


  • MS SQL Server
  • ColdFusion
  • Orchard CMS

Client Needs

In 2004, the British Columbia Council on Admission & Transfer (BCCAT) needed to update their legacy transfer equivalency system and sought a technology partner who understood the post-secondary environment. Bayleaf was key as the strategic architect, creating an inter-institutional workflow application enabling articulation agreements to be requested, evaluated, created, and published.

The ongoing collaboration between Bayleaf and BCCAT has resulted in efficiency gains for the BC Transfer System. The combined solution, TCS as a private interinstitutional workflow application and the BC Transfer Guide as an outward facing website for public users, has become a model for other student mobility organizations to emulate, nationally and globally.

Our Solutions

Custom Web Application Development
Through the years Bayleaf has progressively modernized the TCS by increasing functionality, improving user-experience, and applying new technologies. Recent versions are a result of working in close collaboration with BCCAT and other jurisdictional representatives to improve and expand functionality and user experiences.

Trailblazing in Transfer
The BC Transfer Guide had its humble beginnings as a thick, annual, published book focussing on post-secondary professionals. Essentially only post-secondary advisors with access to the publication could look up transfer credit between institutions. This shifted dramatically when the online service was implemented.

Bayleaf’s work integrating TCS data into the BC Transfer Guide website search function was pivotal in changing the transfer landscape. It enabled access to information and gave the entire post-secondary community acess to articulation agreements in real-time. Students themselves could research and identify their educational pathways.

Over time, the TCS has increased its scope to include transfer agreements between private, Canadian, and now international institutions, to the point where the TCS is now integrated into internal PSI articulation management processes. As a result, the BC Transfer System continues to trailblaze, serving as a model for other transfer initiatives while making BC an attractive and accessible post-secondary option for students from anywhere.